2016年3月22日 星期二

大溫地產局對售房合約影子轉讓(shadow flipping)的公開信

大溫地產局主席 Darcy McLeod關於BC省長簡慧芝
提議修改房產合同轉讓法則, 給省長的公開信

March 22, 2016

REBGV President Darcy McLeod sent the following letter to
Premier Christy Clark in response to her announcement
about new rules for assignments:

2016-03-23 大溫地產老薑 溫哥華家園
我謹此代表一萬兩千五百名大溫地產經紀, 寫此信表達我們對您決定的
關切。您的決定是先于大溫地產協會獨立諮詢組的複審, 而對地產合同轉讓
Dear Premier Clark,
On behalf of the more than 12,500 Realtors that we represent, I am writing to
express concern at your decision to pre-empt the Real Estate Councils independent
advisory groups review and introduce new rules on assignment agreements
in real estate.

我們關注到省政府正在尋求改變規則, 去解決短期問題。我們明白政府
We are concerned that the provincial government is looking to change the rules
to fix a short-term problem. We understand the intention is to curb speculation
associated with the high demand, low inventory market Greater Vancouver
is currently experiencing. There are often unforeseen consequences associated with
attempting to impose limitations on the market and we respectfully ask that
the government consider the following issues.

個人因素, 或許會使買家不能履行合同。在這種情況下,轉讓合同給
In other types of markets, assignments can protect sellers and buyers.
For example, in pre-sale situations, which of necessity require a long time
to complete, a buyers circumstance may change which precludes them
from closing. Financial, family or other personal situations change.
In such cases, assigning the contract to a second buyer allows both
the original buyer to honour the contract and protects the developer/seller
who would otherwise have a contract potentially in default.

People who buy an assigned contract with the goal of reselling to make a profit
are taking a risk. They may profit, or they may incur losses, sometimes
substantial losses. For example, in the early 1980s similar activity occurred in BC
relative to land sales, and speculators did indeed incur substantial losses. People
also experienced losses of this kind in the presale market between 2008 and 2009.
In the governments proposed model, profits are to go back to the original seller.
Will that original seller also be responsible for any losses?

影子轉讓shadow flipping)是為煽動民情而杜撰出來的。
房產合同轉讓在BC 省是合法的。
The term shadow flipping was coined to inflame public opinion. An assignment agreement is a regulated practice in BC.

The media has not let facts get in the way of painting a negative picture of Realtors
in this story of assignments. We have shared with them, but they do not report,
that our organization has yet to receive a formal complaint from the public about

我們有現成的地產服務法Real Estate Services Act和職業準則來制約
There are already processes in place to deal with any Realtor in breach of their
obligations and duties to their clients outlined within the Real Estate Services Act
and our professional standards.

職業守則(Realtor Code of Ethics)和我們地產局有關經紀的各項規章制度。
Our complaints process is posted on our public website. We administer the national
Realtor Code of Ethics and the rules and regulations associated with being a member
of our professional association. We and our members take very seriously any breaches
to these standards. If Realtors are doing anything wrong, we want to know and we will
vigorously investigate.

關於大溫地區房屋可負擔性的爭論是當今熱點 。已經開始感情用事
The housing affordability debate in Metro Vancouver is at a fever pitch today.
Its become emotional and political. Amid this climate, its important to remember
that market cycles come and go, but government intervention is permanent.

我們擔心媒體對房產熱點問題的誇張報導, 一旦房產市場發生變化
We are concerned that the media hyperbole on this topic may lead to changes
with unintended consequences once the market changes, as it inevitably does.

We welcome opportunities to work with your government to find solutions
that help protect the public irrespective of current market dynamics.

大溫地產局主席 Darcy McLeod
Yours truly,
Darcy McLeod, President
Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver

版主Jackie Yeh 附註:
對於近來溫哥華房地產市場瘋狂熱炒的情況, 身為站在第一線上,
每天帶著客人, 搶防廝殺的經紀人, 有何感想呢?
雖然自己也擁有房產, 也是既得利益者, 但是確實也不樂見這種情形
持續發生  而身為負責監督市場與道德規範的地产局, 做這樣的回應
我們是不是也應該像之前, 對溫哥華市市長要求一樣, 要求地產局重要官員

